I am so glad that you have stopped by my little corner of the world and have joined me on my adventure as I strive to become the Godly wife that God always intended for me to be. Here you will find my struggles, my triumphs and everything in between. I will share with you all I know and all I am learning through everyday life. By no means do I think that I have all of this figured out but I do know that with God’s grace I will be able to fill the role God wants me to. Currently I am a Work at Home mom who also homeschools our 4 crazy and wild children. In my down time I enjoy stealing moments with my soul mate of 15 years, curling up to a good book and talking with great friends. Life here can be a little crazy between writing, homeschooling and all our other activities. Yet, each and every night I am reminded how blessed I truly am. Your questions are very important to me and I understand that a lot of times we just don’t want to post a question out for all the world to see so feel free to email me at [email protected]. Please be patient as I do have a pretty full plate here but I promise to get back to you as soon as I possibly can. God Bless,

About Bridget
Nestled in the foothills Bridget enjoys spending time with her 4 wild but wonderful children and her husband of 13 years, reading and writing. Her main purpose for her online ministry is to encourage women to be the best wives/ mothers they can be and reminding them that this can be achieved with God's help.
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