Wife of an amazing man for 13 years and mother to 4 amazing children. Some would say that would be enough to complete my life. But until I totally handed control of my life to God my life was far from complete. You see I was saved and yes I worked toward getting myself on the right track. But I had an extremely hard time with giving up control. It wasn’t until I did that things really started to change for me. It is also why this website came to be.
For a long time God had made children the center of my world. I worked in Child Care and then eventually after the birth of my twins I came home and continued to keep kids (and still do). This however wasn’t enough God laid a burden on me to reach out to moms and wives as well.
I am far from perfect and yet here I seat willing to be used as an instrument. Let me just say God has me playing all kinds of tunes. From singing in the choir, working in children’s ministry, teaching women’s Sunday school and writing here. So I hope you enjoy your time here.
I pray that when you leave here you walk away inspired and loved.
Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,