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Housekeeping seems to be one of the most brought up questions that I receive when I open my emails. These emails are from women who are struggling to balance marriage, motherhood, and homeschooling all while attempting to maintain their homes.
Struggling and Lazy are Two Different Things:
Over and over again in this emails, I read these emails the women calling themselves lazy and saying that they feel like they are feeling that they are failing their family, themselves and those around them. They are at their wits in and they just can’t grasp what it is that they are doing wrong. It’s during reading these emails that I want to reach through my computer screen, give them a big hug and say “Friend- You aren’t lazy you are struggling!”
The fact is that there is no wonder women all over are struggling. Homemaking is fastly becoming a lost art. Many women today grew up in a home where the parents worked and they weren’t given a chance to learn homemaking skills because their parents were also struggling just to keep the house going themselves. As we all know it takes a bit of time to teach a child to clean and clean well.
Let Me Explain the Difference:
- Attempts to clean
- Seeks ways to improve their homemaking skills.
- Feels guilt because they feel as though they are missing the mark and this causes remorse.
- Sees a mess and really could care less.
- Makes no attempt to improve their homemaking skills.
- Doesn’t worry about trying to do better because it really doesn’t matter.
The truth is that every woman struggles with some area of our life. The difference between a struggling homemaker and a lazy homemaker is that if you are struggling you are at least still trying. Trying to do the best that you can for your family. Trying to seek advisement. Trying to grow your homemaking skills to the best of your ability.
To the Struggling Homemaker-
There is hope. This is just another season in your life. Every day that you try, you are getting better and closer to your goal. Even if you don’t feel that is the case. You are far from lazy. Hang in there. Keep seeking and keep trying.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
Thank you I really needed to hear this.
I think we all do from time to time. We can be so hard on ourselves.