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This is the last week of the “Making Our Homes A Haven” challenge. I must admit it is kinda sad. This week however we are suppose to start working in the kitchen. More specific we are suppose to whip up some of those wonderful recipes that feel our homes with that sweet aroma . I can not tell you how much I actually love cooking in the kitchen.
For me this is a wonderful challenge. In fact it may be one of my favorites since I am going to go a step further and have the kids help me with the cooking. I am a firm believer that memories are in fact made in the kitchen while you are prepping a meal.
This week I am going to surprise my husband with one of his favorites that really he only gets once a year and that is on Thanksgiving. Yep, we are making pumpkin pies for no reason at all!! He will be tickled I am sure. Personally I can’t wait for the smell of them to fill our home.
So today I am going to do something a bit different. I am going to give you the recipe to this yummy pie that we use and I am even going to give it to you on one of the printable cards that I made as the freebie this month 🙂 . If you have been following me for a while then you know that I like hardly ever share a recipe because well I know there are a ton of foodie bloggers who have simply amazing recipes.
I hope your family enjoys it as much as we do 🙂 So what do you plan on whipping up in the kitchen this week?
Now it is time for the Salt & Light Link Up Party
Be the Salt & the Light to the world this week and share:
- Faith in Jesus - What inspired your faith walk with Jesus
- Marriage - What touched your heart for your spouse
- Singleness - What has inspired you to reach out to God
- Mothering - What encouraged you to be the best mom you can be this week
- Health - A new recipe that you hope to bless your family with, or health tip that will benefit your family
- Service - A story of service that touched you
- Finances - A tip that will serve your family well
- Homemaking - Inspiration to make your home a haven for your husband, kids, and guests
- Time - Share a story that opened your eyes to the use of time in our life
- Beauty - A reminder of what beauty really is in a world that tries so hard to
Weekly Feature:
Mandy, Marissa, Misty and I are picking our own favorites each week to feature, so make sure to check out both of our sites to see if you were featured. My favorite this week is Being The Woman God Wants You To Be by M at Essential Thing Devotions .

Your Chance to be Salt & Light
More specifically, how are we as blogging mommies, wives, women, being salt & light towards others online?
Here is your chance to generously sprinkle some salt and shine a light: a link up where you share a post that you enjoyed recently from someone else’s blog or website.
Make sure to follow Marissa, Bridget, Misty and Mandy so you don’t miss future opportunities to be Salt & Light to others! Oh and check out Salt & Light’s pinterest board… your post might just show up there!

The fine print: Please understand that by linking up with the Salt & Light, you are agreeing to allow Rays of Grace & Joy, or Becoming a Godly Wife to feature you in a future post. That includes a link to your post, and a picture you’ve used on that post. You are also allowing Rays of Grace & Joy or Becoming a Godly Wife to share any post you link up with pinterest, facebook, twitter and/or google+. Also, by posting in this hop, you are allowing your email address to be used for a weekly reminder of the hop - your email will not be used for any other purpose, period.
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I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
That is so sweet!
I try….sometimes 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by.
Thanks so much for hosting, Bridget. I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much for stopping by <3