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As I watch my children during their free time I am constantly amazed at some of the character traits they have been given. As a mother, it can be overwhelming at times as I constantly worry am I enough to handle, lead, guide, and direct them in the way that they need to go to utilize those traits for God. It is in these moments I realize I need to get intentional about my role as their mother. I need to get intentional about motherhood.
Being intentional about motherhood is more that simply preparing meals, providing your children with an academic education, and shuttling them off to various activities. No, it means so much more. Being intentional about motherhood means being willing to dig deep within yourself, face your fears and starting to mold those hearts!
One of the many reasons we are constantly struggling is because we are always so distracted. We live in such a fast-paced world. We are striving to balance way too many plates because we feel we must. We struggle to keep up and we are constantly comparing our parenting styles with someone else. We are literally robbing ourselves of the joy that comes with motherhood because we have forgotten how to be intentional in our efforts.
How Do We Becoming Intentional About Motherhood?
- We have to be willing to be present. Now, this doesn’t mean we can never browse the internet or check our phones. However, it does mean that we need to be willing to unplug more and make memories with the ones who are in our homes.
- We need to slow down. We miss a lot of teachable moments because we are simply too busy. Instead, it becomes easier to yell commands and fuss instead of calmly handling a situation. Both you and your children become stressed and the one we have entrusted in our care hasn’t learned anything more than when you are stressed it is OK to yell.
- We need to make more memories. Memories are all our children will have left of us one day. Build Lego creations, play board games, take walks, talk, sing, dance and simply enjoy building memories together.
- We have to make Christ the center of our parenting. Pray for and with your children. Dig into God’s Word with your children, allow your children seeing you studying God’s Word, and share Godly wisdom with them.
The more we practice these steps the more we will become intentional about our role in motherhood. You will be surprised and amazed at the changes that will be made not only in your children, your home but also in yourself.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
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