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Sometimes we forget that just reaching one person is more than enough. Or being that just one person may be what others particulary need.
Every year our home Church re-elects people to hold certain offices in our Church for the upcoming year. The list includes Sunday School teachers, children church workers, directors for several different programs, and well I think you get the point it is a major overall. One we don’t take lightly mind you. We have had a committee together for months working on getting all these positions filled. So as I sat there going over the list. It floored me. No one was willing to take over the program our oldest was involved in on Wednesday nights. Now mind you he is the only child to attend this program on Wednesday nights but still, this kinda made me feel a little sick to my stomach. Why you may wonder……
On these Wednesday nights, my son had been going on visitation to older members of the church, planting gardens, knocking on doors and discussing different missions one could do to reach not only the community but to the world. My eye filled with tears as I realized no longer would our oldest get to tell me all about his new adventure that he and his former mentor had been on. All biblical and all spiritual. However, it was his time to break free from mom a bit and just learn how to show God’s love with someone else who wasn’t his overprotective nagging mom.
What really got me was the discussion that went on at this meeting (with Logan sitting right beside me). You see Logan’s former mentor was required to start working different hours at their job so they were no longer going to be able to be there on Wednesday nights to teach our oldest. So his former mentor tried for a month to get someone to agree to take over with the group that our oldest is part of. Alas, no no one would.
During this meeting however certain members were going to quickly breeze through the fact that we were giving up the younger youth group after all at the moment it was only going to affect one child. For now.. So then what to do with this one child people complained “I don’t want to do it”, “I can’t”, or my favorite “well it’s just one”. Oh, others were coming back with praises of this one child and yes this one child was mine however instead of feeling proud as any mother should I was saddened and disappointed. I tried to plead with the congregation (holding back tears) as did our oldest’s former mentor.
And still, no one would agree to take this one child. Finally, as a Church decision, this one child did find a place with the older youth group. Just like that, all the things Logan loved about Wednesday nights was gone…….
It’s Just One Child:
How many times have we heard one bad choice can change the rest of your life? How about it only takes one person to help change the world? What about that one boy who helped feed the multitude of people that Jesus was preaching to? (John 6:1-15) The list could go on…..
Jesus never turned His back on anyone because it was only one person. Instead, over and over again we see Jesus perform miracles on one individual at a time. In Luke 15 Jesus tells us that one is just as important as a huge crowd.
Accepting A Calling:
There are times that God lays it on our heart to do certain jobs be it in our homes, our Church or in our communities. Do we always hear God whisper in our hear “Do this now”. Sometimes yes other time He provides those chances through other people. One should never have to beg to get someone to help reach others for God even if it is for one person. No one ever knows if they are made to do a certain task until they try.
Had you asked me a few years ago if I would be opening my heart and home to a bunch of people I didn’t even know by writing a blog I would have thought you were nuts? I never pay attention to how many people read what I write. Instead, I write what is in my heart because if it reaches, inspires or encourages just one then I have done what God wants me to.
It Only Takes One:
It only takes one person to reach a lost soul. It only takes one person to make another person smile and remind them that God loves them. It only takes one child to change a parents life forever. It only takes one moment to make or break someone’s impression of you. It only takes one person to believe in something so deeply and whole heartily to make a difference. You see that one person you turn down, refuse to talk to, deny teaching them of God or refuse to give a little bit of your time could be the very one who could have been the next preacher of millions, missionary overseas, Sunday school teacher, or choir director. You miss out on that chance to be the one they remember as their mentor, friend, and their own person Godsend.
Your Assignment:
Are you refusing to do something because you think it isn’t really that big of a deal? How about that neighbor you know doesn’t go to Church have you taken the time to invite them? Is there some kind of job that needs to be done at Church but you refuse to do it because it might be a little out of your comfort level? Take time to pray about it then do something about it.
There is a happy ending to my little story….. Our oldest is thrilled to go hang out with the teens. He and I also will try and continue to reach out to the other members he enjoyed visiting so much. He and my husband are even going to go out and hand out Church fliers. So maybe just maybe they can at least reach…….One
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,