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We live in a self-serving world that often times doesn’t promote thankful hearts. Early on our young ones are growing into adults that have forgotten that the world doesn’t owe us anything and that instead, we are here to serve others. We have forgotten to be thankful and so have a lot of our children. This truth can be read about in the news, seen in our Facebook newsfeeds and just by walking out our front door. If you are like me then I am praying for change with our next generation.
How to Mold Thankful Hearts:
In order to change this current trend, we as parents need to be proactive now. In fact, it is never too early to start molding hearts to be thankful.
- We must learn to say no: Every time our children wants something doesn’t mean that we must run to the store to purchase it. Instead, we need to help them learn that not always do we get everything that we want. In fact, sometimes those things are more appreciated when they are earned.
- Model a thankful attitude: Our actions speak way louder to our children than our words ever will. They need to see us giving thanks. They need to see us working hard. They need to see us praising God for the smallest of things.
- Create a blessing jar: A blessing jar is a place to jot down small blessings that have happened. You then store those small papers in a jar. Later in the year, pull out the jar and read out those blessings. This helps provide wonderful reminders of all the things that we should be thankful for that have happened throughout the year.
- Study other countries: Sometimes a unit study about other countries can be a real eye-opening experience for little ones. It helps remind them how much they have to be thankful for. Not only does this help teach geography but it also helps mold those hearts.
- Find ways that your family can serve together: Now I know with age requirements this can be tricky. However, it is still possible. Nursing homes love to see children and taking up food for a local food bank has no age limit. These are just a couple ways that you can help remind your children to serve others and to remain humble.
****Free For You****
Here is a free printable pack that you can use with your children to help promote an attitude of thankfulness in their hearts. Inside you will find:
- Bible verse to copy (Print and cursive)
- Writing prompts to get your children really thinking
- A brainstorming sheets to list ideas of ways to serve others.
- A blessings log
I would love to know some of the ways that you are promoting and molding thankful hearts in your own home.
Until Nest Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,