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In a world full of negative, it is so important to promote positive attitudes within our homes. These positive attitudes will not only help our family (and ourselves ) to face the world around us but it will also help to plant seeds in those we come in contact with.
Ways of Promoting Positive Attitudes:
- Speak to their hearts: Negativity is a heart issue. As the keeper of our homes, we need to make sure that we are helping our children focus on Christ and we need to make sure to be in constant prayer for our spouse.
- Allow positive influences in and keep negative influences out: It is amazing to me how easy it is to welcome negativity into our homes. The negativity can come by way of people, movies, music, video games, and even social media. We can’t cut off all things we can limit how much we allow ourselves to be subjected to it. Our home, after all, is our personal safe haven.
- Positive attitudes must become a habit: We complain because it is easy. In our home, we have begun making an effort to follow one negative statement with two positive statements. This helps to keep us always looking for positives and also change our thought process.
- Memorize scripture: Memorizing encouraging scripture will help combat negative energy that seeps into our lives. As Christians, we are to allow God’s Word to help lead, guide and protect us after all.
- Check your own attitude: If we ourselves have negative attitudes we can not begin to promote positive attitudes. So we also need to get in the positive mindset which means we need to make sure to make time for ourselves.
- Provide a nurturing environment: Playing uplifting music, place scripture around your home or even lighting prayer candles are amazing ways to promote a nurturing environment.
I pray that these 6 ways help turn your home into a place filled with positive energy so that you and your family recharge daily before facing the negativity that the world has to offer.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,