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It is no secret that we live in a busy world. Everyone is in a constant state of go, go, go. One of the last things we want is for our homes to mimic the world. We, after all, need a place that promotes peace so that we ourselves can recharge, regroup and get ready to face the world all over again. Our homes are our sanctuary. Our own, personal safe haven that we have for ourselves and for our family.
How can we can peace within our homes despite living busy lives?
It is easy to say that we want to live in a home that promotes peace but what does that look like and how in the world can we get that for ourselves. Thankfully, I have come up with a few ways that can help you get moving in the right direction! My prayer is that it helps you as much as these tips helped me.
- Make sure God is first: We need to make sure we are placing God at the center of our day and the focual point of our home. This means making sure that we are digging into God’s word and seeking His gudiance for our home. I know it seems like this is something that I just say like a broken record and you feel like you simply do not have time to get those moments alone with God but if you were to try to make this part of your morning routine, you would be amazed at how much you will actually accomplish during the day.
- Set the mood in your home with sounds: When our littles were babies I learned very quickly that music changes the mood in a home real quick. Seriously try it. Put on some fast paced music and watch those around your home start to get pumped up. Now put on some classical music and just watch everyone mellow out. Sounds and music truly do create a mood in our homes. To create a peaceful enviroment, pick some pleasant background sounds, or even some worship music to keep God front and center.
- Set the mood visually: Clutter makes our minds busy. Busy minds means that you aren’t going to be able to relax. Dare to remove things from your home that don’t make you happy, aren’t being used and simply are no longer needed. Rehome things, have a yard sale to gain some extra funds and then use the money to add things to your home that you will love…Maybe a new rug, a fun candle, or in my case a new house plant. Taking time to visually prepare your home will help set a peaceful mood. Place things around that make your family happy.
- Set boundaries: As small business owners who work from home I have learned that I need boundaries in my life or I will never stop working. Never taking time to rest of course does not help promote peace. Setting boundaries isn’t a bad thing. Set times when you will do certain things and times when you will just rest. This can also be applied to your personal schedules. Allow yourself to say no sometimes to keep your schedules a bit less crowded so that once again you won’t be so stressed and surprise your home will be a bit more peaceful.
- Take care of you: As wives we forget that we are the mood holders. Everyone in our home feeds off of us. This is why I make such a big deal to remind other women home important it is to take care of ourselves so that we can continue to pour into those around us and our homes. So take time to excerise, have girls night outs, dig into God’s Word alone and really just love on yourself a bit so that you can love on others and promote that peace you want to have in your home.
- Guard what you allow into your home: This is something we don’t really thing about often but sometimes we allow things in our home that steal our peace. Certain television programs, music, movies and even people can be peace stealers. Not sure if you have allowed peace stealers in…..Watch how your family acts after doing, watching or hanging out with others. God will certainly reveal to you the things in your home that are stealing the very peace that you are trying to promote within your home.
What does the Bible have to say about this?
I did a Facebook live about this very topic. Within the live we dug into God’s Word to discover what it was that God has to say about promoting peace within our homes. Here is the video.
I would love to know how it is that you are promoting peace within your home. Comment below!!
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,