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Many Christians over the years have been scratching our heads wondering why the message of Christ has not been reaching others the way that we would like. Why when we speak aBiblical truth that instantly we are considered wrong. We wonder why it is that no one truly understands the amazingness about Christ and His love for us. We also can’t seem to figure out why early Christians were willing to die for their beliefs and yet now we can’t even get people to come to church and sit in a pew on Sunday morning.
I think that Paul sheds light on what may be our problem:
to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. Galatians 2:5
Paul was able to grow the early Chruch because he was unwavering desire to please only God and not those around him. Instead, he held firm to his beliefs, spoke hard truths and dealt with the ridicule that doing so allowed to come his way.
The fact is that the Christian message is spoken through our personal walk. Those around us know who we serve because we are different. We chose not to be filled with hate and anger. When faced with hard circumstances we maintain our joy because we know that we serve a God who in the end will overcome all the obstacles standing in our way.
Our actions are meant to spread God’s message.
Our words are meant to speak God’s message.
Our unwillingness to conform to the worldliness that is going on around us is a testament to who we truly serve.
In order to do these three things, we have to do more than just rely on others to lead us and teach us. We have to be willing to dig down deep into God’s Word daily. Put into action the things that the Holy Spirit reveals to us. Finally, we have to maintain focused on only serving God is all that we do.
In doing so we will be living a life that is filled with God’s grace. We will no longer be spreading watered down truths about God to those around us. We, my friends, could cause a revival of those around us. One that knows no limits. Not to mention that others we come in contact with will truly see what Christianity truly is.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
If Paul is your basis for what Christianity should or shouldn’t be, your Christianity already IS watered down. Jesus is the Lord, not Paul. Paul was a lot more conservative. If you’re interested in being a Christian who follows Jesus, Paul’s writings should be read with more than a few grains of salt. Yes, he did a fantastic job growing the early church, but that’s pretty much as far as I’m willing to let him influence my Christianity.