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When choosing to raise God’s Army there are a few things that a mother gives up that no one seems to realize….
Warm meals become a thing of the past. After all, children seem to want to eat and run. What time they are eating we seem to find ourselves busy reminding them of their table manners and passing out seconds.
Long, warm soaks in the tub become the vision of what Heaven looks like. There is no time for soaking in the tub after all. Who knows what the little ones may get into, who may just decide to pick the lock and come in or maybe even make crazy phone calls to family members.
Going to the grocery store alone begins to feel as though you are on a sweet new adventure. You will find yourself walking up and down each aisle just so the trip can take just a little bit longer.
Your reading selection will begin to change. In the evenings you will curl up as normal to read a book only to discover that no longer are you reading the same materials that you once were before becoming a parent. You will find yourself absorbed in parenting books and an endless supply of picture books.
You will develop a new style. You won’t always find time to do your hair in new and exciting ways. Your clothing tastes will change from neat and matching to at least it was clean and had the least amount of stains.
Your sanity will be long gone. Hours of watching silly cartoons and endless hours of made up games will surely do that to a person.
You will begin to discover a softer side to yourself. One that desires only to do the best that they can for those in their home.
No longer do you care for long nights out all the time. Those nights in accompanied with pajamas, ice-cream and a movie become the perfect night.
Through all these changes you will discover that in the grand scheme you really don’t mind all the changes. Deep down you know that those little ones that God chose you to raise are worth all the changes and then some. You even begin to realize that all the work and changes actually caused you to grown into an even better person than before.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,