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Our minds can play terrible tricks on us. Our minds really go into overdrive when we are faced with grief. Our thoughts can make us feel as though we are all alone, they can cause us to withdraw ourselves from other and they can even cause us to stop choosing to live life to it’s fullest.
After losing someone close to you it is easy to feel as though you can’t go on. You of course struggle with how you are supposed to move forward and move onward. The problem is that if we aren’t careful we can actually allow our thoughts to imprison us and cause us to stop making steps to heal.
This week I was reminded of this. I will confess that I struggle with writing here since my friend and her family’s fatal accident. Instead, I found myself feeling so undeserving of the life that I have. Of the babies that I get to love on every single day, of the quiet moments I get to steal in the mornings while enjoying the sun coming up and being able to serve my family while still being blessed with this ministry.
Yet, this is my story. I am still here on this Earth to continue to make a difference by those that I come in contact with, by the four precious little beings that are in my care, and by those who stop by here on accident to read blog posts or just stop in to get the free resources…… My story still continues. Though my friend, mentor, and sister-in-Christ is finished with her walk her on Earth I am still not finished.
You see I was struggling with my mindset. Just as anyone who is going through the grieving process is. The problem with this is that when we allow our mind to tell us that we aren’t good enough or that we simply can’t go on that we hinder ourselves from healing.
Instead, We Need To:
- Loose ourselves in God’s Word: God’s Word will help to remind us who we are to Him. We are cherished, we are loved and we are each important to God.
- Seek out others: Instead of locking ourselves up in our homes to be alone with our thoughts we need to surround ourselves with other Christians and loved ones.
- Remember that our lives on Earth were never meant to be easy: God works in our lives through the good and the hard times. Each of which helps mold us and grow us into the individuals that He needs us to be to reach others for Him.
Our mindset can either help us or hinder us in our moments of grief. It is up to us to decide.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,