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This past weekend I sat down with my family and actually watched a movie. Now I can not tell you the last time I have done this because frankly I have been running around like a crazy woman trying to be productive. As I sat there cuddled to my little ones I was reminded of something. Family time is just as important as anything else we have going on.
This is something we seem to forget and it is kinda sad that this happens. Why is it that we feel so compelled to work ourselves silly that we forget to stop and simply spend time with the ones who we are working so hard for. God never meant for us to constantly go 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In fact He commanded that we take breaks.
So why is it then that we feel so guilty because we actually take those breaks? It is because we have set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. We have decided that we have to constantly be doing something. We can’t tell people no. We must stay busy.
So now is where the challenge I have for you comes in. Yes, I know it is a Monday, but, I challenge you to take at least a hour and simply send time with your family tonight. Now you are wondering how in the world you are going to do that.
Set some work hours. We work so hard all the time. Instead try setting some hours that you are going to work on things. This includes your office projects and your household project.
Set a stop time. Make a time that you are going to be done at night. Mine is going to be 7pm. This gives me time to get everything I need to get done finished. What is not done can go on the next days list.
Don’t listen to the voices in your head telling you the million things you need to get done. Stop listening to yourself as you are disappointed about the list you need to have completed. Instead think of all the things you have completed.
Remember that this time with your family is just as important as anything else you have going on. You have a busy life that is true. But, these moments with your family are important. They give you time to connect with each other and they also help you recharge.
I hope you are able to enjoy a few simple moments with your family today. So much that you strive to make it a new habit. You are going to love it and so will your family.
Now it is time for the Salt & Light Link Up Party
Be the Salt & the Light to the world this week and share:
- Faith in Jesus - What inspired your faith walk with Jesus
- Marriage - What touched your heart for your spouse
- Singleness - What has inspired you to reach out to God
- Mothering - What encouraged you to be the best mom you can be this week
- Health - A new recipe that you hope to bless your family with, or health tip that will benefit your family
- Service - A story of service that touched you
- Finances - A tip that will serve your family well
- Homemaking - Inspiration to make your home a haven for your husband, kids, and guests
- Time - Share a story that opened your eyes to the use of time in our life
- Beauty - A reminder of what beauty really is in a world that tries so hard to
Weekly Feature:
Mandy, Marissa, Misty and I are picking our own favorites each week to feature, so make sure to check out both of our sites to see if you were featured. My favorite this week is You Can Enjoy a Balanced Life by Deb Wolf at Counting My Blessings.

Your Chance to be Salt & Light
More specifically, how are we as blogging mommies, wives, women, being salt & light towards others online?
Here is your chance to generously sprinkle some salt and shine a light: a link up where you share a post that you enjoyed recently from someone else’s blog or website.
Make sure to follow Marissa, Bridget, Misty and Mandy so you don’t miss future opportunities to be Salt & Light to others! Oh and check out Salt & Light’s pinterest board… your post might just show up there!

The fine print: Please understand that by linking up with the Salt & Light, you are agreeing to allow Rays of Grace & Joy, or Becoming a Godly Wife to feature you in a future post. That includes a link to your post, and a picture you’ve used on that post. You are also allowing Rays of Grace & Joy or Becoming a Godly Wife to share any post you link up with pinterest, facebook, twitter and/or google+. Also, by posting in this hop, you are allowing your email address to be used for a weekly reminder of the hop - your email will not be used for any other purpose, period.
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I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
Family time is very important and we can get cauught up in all the other things. The time with our kids goes by so fast and we need to stop and hug them, kiss them, and tell them we love them. The things will get done but the tiem with our family is precious.
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks so much for another great link-up! Family time is fleeting and precious. Thank you for reminding us of that truth today.