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Feelings of Uselessness can sneak up out of no where. We are always working so hard and putting our needs at the end of a very long list that really it doesn’t take long until we start feeling very unimportant. Yes, this is a normal feeling for us all. It does not mean that these feelings are true or right it just means that you are human.
I have reached the point of feeling useless to many times to count. I always feel that I am not doing enough for others. I feel that I am not doing enough for my Church. I feel that I am not doing enough for my family. In fact I often feel that I am not doing enough for this online ministry. This is a burden that I bare on a daily bases. This feeling can become a major problem if I am not careful.
You see when we hold on to these feelings of uselessness we are opening ourselves up for doubt. We are allowing Satan to run wild in our minds. It is in these moments that Satan knows that we are at a weak point in our hearts. We are at a weak point in our walks. If left unattended we will become weak spiritually.
You see we are to be joyous in Christ. Yes, it is easier said than done but we are to know that we are loved. After all God’s Word tells us that we are. We should know that we hold great value as a Child of God. In those moments that we don’t we should know that in those moment s that those feelings are in fact not from God.
*******If we are having doubts about how well we are doing in areas of our lives we need to pray.We need to seek direction from God as to what it is that we need to do.
*******We also need to seek Christian counsel from a friend who can offer us words of wisdom and can also be a pillar of support. A great support system in our lives helps us through so many of life’s many struggles. So much more than we will ever know.
******We also need to remember who it is that we serve. We are not technically serving those around us. No, we are serving our heavenly Father. The very one who loves us more than we can ever imagine. And to Him we are far from useless.
Now it is time for the Salt & Light Link Up Party
Be the Salt & the Light to the world this week and share:
- Faith in Jesus - What inspired your faith walk with Jesus
- Marriage - What touched your heart for your spouse
- Singleness - What has inspired you to reach out to God
- Mothering - What encouraged you to be the best mom you can be this week
- Health - A new recipe that you hope to bless your family with, or health tip that will benefit your family
- Service - A story of service that touched you
- Finances - A tip that will serve your family well
- Homemaking - Inspiration to make your home a haven for your husband, kids, and guests
- Time - Share a story that opened your eyes to the use of time in our life
- Beauty - A reminder of what beauty really is in a world that tries so hard to
And of course, if you have written an encouraging post you would like to add to the link up, go ahead link up a second, personal post.
Weekly Feature:
Mandy, Marissa, Misty and I are picking our own favorites each week to feature, so make sure to check out both of our sites to see if you were featured. My favorite this week is Spending Time On What Really Matters by Jenny at Women With Intention .

Your Chance to be Salt & Light
More specifically, how are we as blogging mommies, wives, women, being salt & light towards others online? Here is your chance to generously sprinkle some salt and shine a light: a link up where you share a post that you enjoyed recently from someone else’s blog or website.
Make sure tofollow Marissa, Bridget, Misty and Mandy so you don’t miss future opportunities to be Salt & Light to others! Oh and check out Salt & Light’s pinterest board… your post might just show up there!

The fine print: Please understand that by linking up with the Salt & Light, you are agreeing to allow Rays of Grace & Joy, or Becoming a Godly Wife to feature you in a future post. That includes a link to your post, and a picture you’ve used on that post. You are also allowing Rays of Grace & Joy or Becoming a Godly Wife to share any post you link up with pinterest, facebook, twitter and/or google+. Also, by posting in this hop, you are allowing your email address to be used for a weekly reminder of the hop - your email will not be used for any other purpose, period.
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I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
Feeling useless is such a terrible thing to go through. You are right it can sneak up on you when you least expect it. If only we could truly grasp that God loves us just the way we are right now. We do not have to do anything to prove that we are worthy. We are imperfect yes, but in God’s eyes we are enough. It is so easy to say these words, but so hard to get them into our heart. Thanks for linking to Mummy Mondays #TeamMM
another great reminder.
<3 Thanks for stopping by Ladonna
Thanks for this reminder. I needed it today. <3