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Anyone who knows me knows that I am a woman who is huge on routines. As a homeschooling family, I have learned that a set in stone routine is never a way to go when it comes to setting up a homeschooling routine. OK, let’s be honest anytime you have children a set in stone routine should never be in the same sentence.
Getting into a Homeschooling Routine
Now that I have totally crushed your hopes of having a set in stone routine as a homeschooling family let me share with you some tips to actually develop a homeschooling routine that will help your children thrive and keep you from losing all your hair by the end of the school year.
- Start slow: You know that when your school year started most of you rushed into the changes that you wanted to implement. Yep, I did as well. By the end of the week, I was certain that I was going to fall over from all the extra work that it took. The children were overwhelmed and so was I. If you start slowly making changes then things not only aren’t a huge shock but they also become a habit. Habits are great things to have when they involve learning new skills and developing amazing study habits. Not to mention when you start slow and work toward making new things a habit they actually stick!
- Allow your children to have a say in their new routine: Something I have learned is that children have great ideas. OK, not when they think that using stairs as a giant slide but when it comes to helping you come up with great ways to streamline your homeschooling day they can be pretty valuable. Not only are you able to get their perspective but you are able to work together which means they will embrace the changes more than if you just tell them how things are going to be.
- Stop trying to re-create a public school environment in your home: Your home is not a schoolhouse. It isn’t supposed to run like one. After all, in a public school environment the teacher doesn’t have to fold laundry while listening to the students read aloud, nor does the teacher load everyone up weekly to go grocery shopping and they most certainly don’t stop class to change a diaper. Your home is an opening learning space and is not limited to a classroom. Homeschooling is a lifestyle!!
- Post your homeschooling schedule so that everyone can see it: When you take the time to post your new routine where your children can see it not only will they always know what is about to happen but they will also be able to hold you accountable as well. Can you say teamwork?
- Breathe: Routines are hard to get established. However, routines are supposed to help you and not simply stress you out! If your new routine is stressing you out it is not too late in the year to start making some changes to it.
I would love to know what things that you have found to be helpful when creating a homeschooling routine that works in your home.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,