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Friendships are important relationships to have. They help us to stay grounded in who we are. Yet sometimes those friendships can do more harm than good. Sometimes there are just some friendships that must be let go in order for us to grow because they hold us back. It is important , as much as we don’t want to, that we evaluate our friendships and determine what kinds of friends we actually have in our corner. Do we have cheerleaders willing to jump in when we need that extra pep? Do we have friends who will fill us with Biblical wisdom? Do we have friends who are willing to help us when we need it most?
A lot of times I have noticed something. I avoid evaluating my friendships. I am scared at what I may find. In fact a lot of times I do not even realize how much I am being used until my husband points it out to me. I often times do not realize how bad certain friendships are for me because frankly I just like people. This way of doing things however causes more harm than good. This leaves us open to things that we really do not need in our spiritual walk. It allows us to be used and never be refilled.
The key to a great friendship is that it needs to be a two way street. It can not always been one always giving and one always receiving. These friendships are not good for either party. Sometimes people fall into this habit without even realizing that they are doing it and well that just leads to bad endings. Then of course there are some cases when one really does not know how to be a good friend.
So how do we make sure that we are being a good friend and not a bad one?
We need to be willing to be honest with ourselves. Do we have our expectations set to high that no one could ever reach them if they tried? Do we receive more than we ever give? Do we change things to always make them about us when our friend needs our attention? If so then yes we need some work.
Jesus gave us the perfect on how to be a true friend. He was kind to those around Him. He offered sound Biblical advice when one needed it. He was willing to help even when He needed some rest. Can we say that we do the same. Can we say that our current friends do the same?
Sometimes we must say goodbye to friends.
If the current company that we are keeping do not help us to become better followers of Christ then it may be best to cut them free. If they promote a lifestyle that we know to be unhealthy and unbiblical then again it also may be time to cut them free. Our friends are an extension of us. When people look at the company that we keep they instantly peg us to be just like them. Which is why it is so important to keep good influences around us.
When we must put to rest old friendships it can be so hard. It is heartbreaking. Yet, ultimately it is something that at one time or another that we must do. Our life on this Earth is way to short to allow ourselves to be brought down. Our mission to reaching lost souls is to important to allow anything to come in the way.
Take comfort when you do say goodbye that you are still loved by the most High. You are still cherished and that God will in fact send along other people to fill that hole that you have. You never know where He will send that next friendship from but you will certainly know that they are in fact from God.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
Now it is time for the Salt & Light Link Up Party
Be the Salt & the Light to the world this week and share:
- Faith in Jesus - What inspired your faith walk with Jesus
- Marriage - What touched your heart for your spouse
- Health - A new recipe that you hope to bless your family with, or health tip that will benefit your family
- Service - A story of service that touched you
- Finances - A tip that will serve your family well
- Homemaking - Inspiration to make your home a haven for your husband, kids, and guest
- Time - Share a story that opened your eyes to the use of time in our life
- Beauty - A reminder of what beauty really is in a world that tries so hard to
And of course, if you have written an encouraging post you would like to add to the link up, go ahead link up a second, personal post.
Weekly Feature:
Mandy, Marissa, Misty and I are picking our own favorites each week to feature, so make sure to check out both of our sites to see if you were featured. My favorite this week is Locks of Love…A Story of My Aunts & Uncles by Heather at My Overflowing Cup .

Your Chance to be Salt & Light
More specifically, how are we as blogging mommies, wives, women, being salt & light towards others online? Here is your chance to generously sprinkle some salt and shine a light: a link up where you share a post that you enjoyed recently from someone else’s blog or website.
Make sure to follow Marissa, Bridget, Misty and Mandy so you don’t miss future opportunities to be Salt & Light to others! Oh and check out Salt & Light’s pinterest board… your post might just show up there!

The fine print: Please understand that by linking up with the Salt & Light, you are agreeing to allow Rays of Grace & Joy, or Becoming a Godly Wife to feature you in a future post. That includes a link to your post, and a picture you’ve used on that post. You are also allowing Rays of Grace & Joy or Becoming a Godly Wife to share any post you link up with pinterest, facebook, twitter and/or google+. Also, by posting in this hop, you are allowing your email address to be used for a weekly reminder of the hop - your email will not be used for any other purpose, period.
I would like to invite you to my Facebook group Christian Homemakers in Training where we dive into homemaking, motherhood, marriage and group devotions. After all, we all need a safe place to grow together, right?
Hmm… good points but hard at times. Thanks.
I really struggle with this - As an encourager I often find myself alongside needy people who can be draining and forget to balance it with the friends who encourage, build up and invigorate. There is a balance between helping those in need and being drawn into their lives.
Bless you for this great insight.
Yes, I find myself in the very same situation a lot. It is truly something we need to be mindful of.
Thanks Bridget for the linkup. I finally have it figured out and that was why I haven’t linked up before. It is so easy but scary until I did it for the first time.
I have been enjoying many of the posts on your blog. They are all the best!!
Thanks Bridget for the linkup. I finally have it figured out and that was why I haven’t linked up before. It is so easy but scary until I did it for the first time.
I have been enjoying many of the posts on your blog. They are all the best!!