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As I watch my husband sleeping in the recliner I am reminded of the man I married. Hard working, gentle, caring and the list can go on. Yet if I am honest I am not always the wife that my husband needs. I am stubborn and bullheaded at times.
Striving for Wife Awesomeness in the New Year
As the new year fastly approaches I am finding myself prayerfully thinking about the areas that I need to improve. Without a doubt, God has revealed to me several areas that I really need to improve. Of course, nothing will change without God’s help but I am thankful that He is always willing to reveal to me the things that I most need to improve and even ways that I can do so.
So in the upcoming year here are some things that I am going to do differently so that I can be the wife that my husband truly needs and of course I just had to share with you all just in case God has laid this on your heart as well.
- More prayer: Our men need prayer. They need to be blanketed in prayer daily. For the various things that they are facing. Their personal walk with the Lord and for their guidance as they strive to lead our families.
- Clearing the schedule: It is so easy to get busy. However, just like our children, they need us! Therefore, we need to make sure that we are clearing time for them.
- Schedule more dates: Dates keep a marriage strong. They allow us to be connected and stay that way. Yes, I know when you have children this can be hard but one day the children will not be there and then what are we going to do because we will not even recognize who we are married to at that point.
- Nag less and love more: It is so easy to nag an individual to get what you want. It means more however when they do things because they long to. So instead of nagging what if we approached in love and extended love and grace.
- Remember that you are both are sinners striving to be the best you can: This means that we need to extend grace. Our men are never going to be perfect but they were never supposed to be. Instead, we need to remember that we are in this walk together.
- Say yes more: Instead of deciding to say no to things that I am uninterested in I am going to say yes. Who knows I may discover some new hobbies, movies and even foods that I love.
- Praise more: Praising our men through our actions and words helps them know that as their wife we appreciate them. Feeling appreciated makes our men long to do even more because it builds them up.
Tools that I Will Be Using:
The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective of Peace, Martha on 01 September 1996100 Ways To Love Your Husband: the life-long journey of learning to love each other
The Power of a Praying® Wife
Couple’s Kindle Cards- Fun Couples Game Will Boost Your Marriage & Relationship! Promotes Romance, Intimacy, Connection & Love | Couples Gift | Wedding Gift for Couples | Anniversary Gift for Couple
Mr & Mrs Date Night Idea Cards
Here is FREE Resource that You Can Use!!
Here are some marriage scripture cards to use during your prayer time!
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So these are the 7 things that I am going to be doing to hopefully achieve wife awesomeness in the upcoming year.I would love to know what you will be adding to this list as well.
Until Next Time Just Keep Soaring 4 Him,
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