It doesn’t matter if you are a newlywed or a more seasoned married couple. Staying connected with your sweetie is extremely important. Life at our house gets insanely busy with my husband’s work schedule, my work schedule and the kids that often times my husband and I forget to make US time. These times are […]
Blessing Others With Your Words
Sometimes, I think we forget that our words are powerful. The can build those up around us or they can tear them down. Sometimes I think we forget how our words can be a blessing to others. Today we are sharing how they can be a blessing in different areas of our lives. As a […]
Are You Discouraging or Encouraging Your Man to Help
There are so many times that I hear women complain about their men not helping with their children or around the house. Sometimes I want to ask are you encouraging them to help or are you discouraging them from helping. It is so easy to discourage their efforts causing them not to even try. […]
Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Got Married
Will you marry me? My then boyfriend asked while sitting in my house. My reply was not yes it was more like “you know I don’t cook and clean right?” His response “If you will marry me then I will do it all” now what woman can say no to that……………………… What I failed to […]
Disagreements in Marriage Happen
In all marriages, there will be disagreements. How we chose to handle them can make all the difference in the world. Ways To Handle A Disagreement With A Spouse: Pray~ First and foremost before you express what you feel is the right input on a disagreement we need to stop and pray about the […]
Seeking and Giving Forgiveness
Often times we come to points in our lives where we must forgive others. You know the drill your husband does something you don’t like, a friend does something or says something that upsets you or whatever it may be. And during those times we are supposed to forgive and yes even forget. I know […]
How You Greet Him is Important
“How do you greet your husband when he comes home?” Yes, this is the question I have been pondering all day. The more I got to thinking about it the more I realized I do not greet my husband the way he needs to be greeted when he arrives home. Often times I meet him […]
The Beauty In A Marriage Rut
Recently I was starting to see lots of signs of a marriage rut. A rut that was leaving me totally blue. You see my husband is a popular man in this house. The kids all beg to spend time with him and often his mom has things that she needs to have done by him […]
Being Supportive Of Your Man
Standing by your husband means much more that I could have ever imagined. When I first got married I thought as long as I kept the housework done, fed him good meals and I took care of any needs that I was doing all that needed to be an awesome wife. Now yes these things […]
Are We Sabotaging Our Own Marriage?
To many times we let the world take the blame for our failed marriages when in fact a lot of things could had been avoided had we ourselves been a bit more attentive. Now I don’t think any of us do this on purpose but we do it none the less. Now you are probably […]
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